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serverDMS JIRA

Table of Contents


Words and Their Meanings

  • CAPO Profile: this is an environment variable or command line parameter that specifies the configuration profile to use. The CAPO Profiles we have right now include dsoc-prod, dsoc-test, dsoc-dev, naasc-prod, naasc-test, naasc-dev,, vlass.test and
  • PIMS: a per-image measurement set, this is a calibrated measurement set that has been split into a smaller size to speed up imaging. 
  • PIMSCache: a system for managing a cache of PIMS, also the name of the command line tool for doing the same (pimscache).
  • workflows: each CAPO Profile has a corresponding software installation area, collectively these are called the workflows and live in the vlapipe account, in the workflows subdirectory. By 'setting up the workflows' you prepare your environment to activate and use a specific CAPO Profile's workflow.
  • virtualenv (virtual environment): each workflow's installation area is a virtualenv, or virtual environment. This is a way to install Python software so that its required modules are independent of any system installed Python modules.

Requirements for Using PIMSCache

  • The user must be logged into an NRAO workstation, server or (ideally) a cluster node at the DSOC (any of which can see the /lustre/aoc and /users/vlapipe directories).
  • The user must be in the vlapipe user's group
    • To see if you are, type groups, this should list all of the user groups your account is in: if "vlapipe" isn't in that list, contact the helpdesk. Below, I've logged into a cluster node that I reserved, nmpost023, and run the groups command, which shows I'm in the "vlapipe" user's group.

PIMSCache Commands

PIMScache Usage


usage: pimscache [-h] {split,ls,rm,lspc,cp,ln} ...

The Per-Image Measurement Set (PIMS) Cache system.

This tool is one-stop shopping for all your PIMS cache maintenance needs.

Actions for data analysts:

- split: use this to create PIMS from a restore
- ls: use this to investigate what PIMS are in the cache
- rm: use this to delete PIMS from the cache
- lspc: use this to see what phase centers exist under a tile

Each of these actions has additional arguments you may need to specify.
To get the help on a specific action, specify -h after the action.

The remaining actions are used by the workflow system and can be safely ignored:

- cp: workflows use this to insert a PIMS into the cache
- ln: workflows use this to retrieve a PIMS from the cache

positional arguments:
split split to per-image measurement sets (for DAs)
ls list the contents of the cache (for DAs)
rm remove PIMS from cache (for workflows and DAs)
lspc list phase centers under a given tile (for DAs)
cp copy PIMS to cache (for workflows)
ln link phase center from the cache into the target
directory (for workflows)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Setup for BASH Users

Step One: log into an NRAO workstation, server or reserved cluster node

Step Two: setup the workflows

source ~vlapipe/workflows/

Step Three: activate your chosen workflow'ss profile

activate_profile vlass.test

Notice that your prompt has changed, indicating the active profile, but vlass.t3 wasn't what you typed: each of the VLASS CAPO Profiles (, vlass.test or has one of three different CAPO Profiles associated with it: for example, vlass.test has vlass.t1, vlass.t2 and vlass.t3. vlass.test is a shortcut that points at the currently executing profile, vlass.t3.

At this point the pimscache command should be available to your account, test that with:

which pimscache

If it says no such command or produces an error, something is wrong, seek help. If not, when you are done, either deactivate_profile or just log out.

Setup for TCSH/CSH Users

Step One: Log into an NRAO workstation, server or reserved cluster node

Here I also switched over to tcsh, but a user whose chosen shell is tcsh would not have to do this step:

Step Two: Set the CAPO_PROFILE Environment Variable

Here I set the CAPO_PROFILE environment variable to the profile I wish to use, vlass.test for now, and once pimscache is in production:

setenv CAPO_PROFILE vlass.test

Step Three: Activate Your Chosen Workflow's Virtual Environment

Here I activate the virtual environment by 'source'ing a file in ~vlapipe/workflows/$CAPO_PROFILE/bin:

source ~vlapipe/workflows/vlass.test/bin/activate.csh

Lastly, I test to make sure pimscache is now in my PATH, as I would expect it to be:

If the command had come back with something like 'command not found', something is wrong. When I'm done using pimscache I use the deactivate command to switch off the workflow's virtual environment, or I log out.