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Table of Contents


Words and Their Meanings

  • CAPO Profile: this is an environment variable or command line parameter that specifies the configuration profile to use. The CAPO Profiles we have right now include dsoc-prod, dsoc-test, dsoc-dev, naasc-prod, naasc-test, naasc-dev,, vlass.test and
  • PIMS: a per-image measurement set, this is a calibrated measurement set that has been split into a smaller size to speed up imaging. 
  • PIMSCache: a system for managing a cache of PIMS, also the name of the command line tool for doing the same (pimscache).

Requirements for Using PIMSCache

  • The user must be logged into an NRAO workstation, server or (ideally) a cluster node at the DSOC (any of which can see the /lustre/aoc and /users/vlapipe directories).
  • The user must be in the vlapipe user's group
    • To see if you are, type `groups`, this should list all of the user groups your account is in: if `vlapipe` isn't in that list, contact the helpdesk. Below, I've logged into a cluster node that I reserved, nmpost023, and run the `groups` command, which shows I'm in the `vlapipe` user's group.

PIMSCache Commands

Setup for BASH Users

Step One: log into an NRAO workstation, server or reserved cluster node

Step Two: activate the workflows setup

source ~vlapipe/workflows/

Step Three: activate your chosen profile (vlass.test for now, shortly)

activate_profile vlass.test

At this point the pimscache command should be available to your account, test that with:

which pimscache

Setup for TCSH/CSH Users