Date and Time
06 16:00 EDT / 14:00 MDT
- Verification of pipeline vs VIP script in mosaic and AWP (AWP is demonstrating subtle deltasconsistent)
- MTMFS/Multiscale FFT bug could affect VLASS imaging. If requesting N cores via QSUB be sure to run 'mpicasa -n N+1' processes.
- We need a testing schedule/plan for the transition from development through testing to operations
Decision on whether to produce a Mosaic implementation (we will produce one)Pipeline available for testing (available for AWP implementation, Mosaic in progress)- SSA PIMS workflow validated (in validation)
- SSA SE Imaging workflow ready for testing
- Pipeline validated
- Pipeline released
- SSA SE Imaging workflow validated
- Begin operations (shooting for June 1st)
- Migrate above to htcondor (before or after beginning operations ?)
- Accept and archive implemented
- Pipeline
- Mosaic implementation
- Parameter differences compared to gridder=awproject in description of
.Jira server DMS JIRA serverId eb2e750b-a83a-387e-8345-36eee8a98f01 key PIPE-978
- Parameter differences compared to gridder=awproject in description of
- Mosaic implementation
- PIMS testing in progress
- SE Imaging workflow testing dependent on access to recipe
- HTCondor testing
- CASA6 bug resolved
- Beginning to investigate GPU gridder with ARDG