Versions Compared


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  • jobs ran 3 to 4 times faster when we copied cfcache from /staging to local disk.  I ran a small data set test with full parameters at CHTC that copied cfcache from /staging to local disk and step05 took only 16.7 hours instead of the 56.8 hours it had taken using cfcache on /staging.
  • I had a job killed because it exceeded 72 hours even though I set +LongJobs = true  in the submit file
  • What are the clever solutions to submitting N different DAG jobs with each having different parmeters?
    • T10t34
      • J220200-003000
        • bin, working, data
      • J220600-003000
        • bin, working, data
      • ...
    • T10t35
      • J170743-393000
        • bin, working, data
      • J171241-383000
        • bin, working, data
      • ...
    • ANSWERS:
    • INCLUDE syntax for DAGs
    • include syntax for submit files
    • make a template of files
    • use a PRE script that populates things
    • usedagdir
  • How can we set AWS Tags with condor_annex?  We'd like this to track jobs and set billing tags.
    • Launch Templates didn't work.  I don't think condor_annex supports Launch Templates.
    • Use aws-user-data options to condor_annex?
      • I have tried all sorts of user-data and default-user-data-file options.  On-demand apparently no longer works and I was never able to get something working with spot-fleet.  I think all things user-data are non-functional.
    • I tried setting a tag in the role defined in config.json (aws-ec2-spot-fleet-tagging-role) but that tag didn't translate to the instance.
    • I tried adding a tag to the AMI when creating a new AMI (EC2 → Instances → Actions → Image → Create Image).  Didn't work.
    • What about selftagging?  The instance figures out its instance id and runs aws.
      • wget -qO- http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/instance-id
        • returns nothing when logged in as nobody (condor_ssh_to_job)
        • returns nothing when logged in as centos (ssh -i ~/.ssh/...)
        • returns instanceid when logged in as root (ssh as centos then sudo su)
        • Aha!  There is a firewall (iptables) rule blocking exactly this.  But I can't figure out what file sets this iptables rule on boot.
    • I tried adding tags to the json file using both ResourceType set to instance and spot-fleet-request.  Neither created an instance with my tag.
