- What are the clever solutions to submitting N different DAG jobs with each having different parmeters?
- T10t34
- J220200-003000
- bin, working, data
- J220600-003000
- bin, working, data
- ...
- J220200-003000
- T10t35
- J170743-393000
- bin, working, data
- J171241-383000
- bin, working, data
- ...
- J170743-393000
- INCLUDE syntax for DAGs
- include syntax for submit files
- make a template of files
- use a PRE script that populates things
- usedagdir
- T10t34
- It seems that when using DAGs the recommended method is to define variables in the DAG script instead of submit scripts. This makes sense as it allows for only one file, the DAG script, that needs to be edited to make changes. But, is there a way to get variables into the DAG script from the command line or environment or an include_file or something?
- ANSWER: There is an INCLUDE syntax but there is no command-line or environment variable way to get vars into a DAG.
- We are starting to run 10s of jobs in CHTC requiring 40GB as part of a local DAG. Are there any options we can set to improve their execution chance. What memory footprint (32, 20, 16, 8GB) would significantly improve their chances.
- ANSWER: only use +LongJobs if the job needs more than 72 hour, which is the default "walltime".
- How can we set AWS Tags with condor_annex? We'd like this to track jobs and set billing tags.
- Launch Templates didn't work.
- Use aws-user-data options to condor_annex?
- I have tried all sorts of user-data and default-user-data-file options. On-demand apparently no longer works and I was never able to get something working with spot-fleet. I think all things user-data are non-functional.
- I tried setting a tag in the role defined in config.json (aws-ec2-spot-fleet-tagging-role) but that tag didn't translate to the instance.
- I tried adding a tag to the AMI when creating a new AMI (EC2 → Instances → Actions → Image → Create Image). Didn't work.
- What about selftagging? The instance figures out its instance id and runs aws.
- wget -qO- http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/instance-id
- returns nothing when logged in as nobody (condor_ssh_to_job)
- returns nothing when logged in as centos (ssh -i ~/.ssh/...)
- returns instanceid when logged in as root (ssh as centos then sudo su)
- Aha! There is a firewall (iptables) rule blocking exactly this.
- wget -qO- http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/instance-id
- I tried adding tags to the json file using both ResourceType set to instance and spot-fleet-request. Neither created an instance with my tag.