The two path arguments are provided for flexibility, but it is assumed that the default values in the CAPO profiles (dsoc-test, dsoc-prod/nmprod) are the typical location. The If those paths are correct, the command can then be invoked with (for example): :
As vlapipe:
activate_profile dsoc-test
realfastIngest realfast_18B-320.sb38241161.eb38244520.59002.47251115741_1591099113820
Not as vlapipe:
/users/vlapipe/workflows/dsoc-test/bin/realfastIngest realfast_18B-320.sb38241161.eb38244520.59002.47251115741_1591099113820
As vlapipe:
activate_profile nmprod
realfastIngest realfast_18B-320.sb38241161.eb38244520.59002.47251115741_1591099113820
Not as vlapipe:
/users/vlapipe/workflows/nmprod/bin/realfastIngest realfast_18B-320.sb38241161.eb38244520.59002.47251115741_1591099113820
This will initiate the process, and the SDM will shortly be available in the UI (a matter of ~10 minutes).