- Need a test data set that minimizes run times while running through all steps without error. Current test data set with only one SPW fails on mask side. Really want 1/4 or 1/8sq dg image from 1 SPW. Will require regenerating (and documenting) the cfcaches.
- Need to determine whether pybdsf can be run from within CASA, possibly it will work with CASA6 derivitive. .
- None
- Pipeline
- <nothing>
Is the proposed directory structure (/lustre/aoc/cluster/pipeline/vlass_auto/cache/pims/EB/CAL/DEC/RA) acceptable to everyone
What people want to see as directory components for EBs, calibrations, RA and dec for the phase center. Less essential since it will be mostly managed by the tool
what syntax do people want to use on the CLI to input this information.
- Have initial list of 7 data sets
- Will begin processing this week.