- How to handle Continuum products that may be of use for Cube imaging
- How are modifications to SE Cont imaging requests during reprocessing.
- Where is the split utility properly maintained is it a pipeline task or not
- The split is going to be an external to the pipeline utility written by me and maintained by SSA
- Pipeline
- <nothing>
- List of tickets for VLASS SE Imaging https://open-jira.nrao.edu/issues/?filter=12809
- Have initial list of phase centers, hope to start imaging soon
- HTC workflow drawings (all are works in progress)
- DAGman stage dependency map http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~krowe/vip4.pdf
- VIP DAG workflow (very initial)
- Tclean tool level decomposition https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1JtN7BcDl_X-dab11b40GMNwhmxxC9vxHFUQTiopFn8g/edit?usp=sharing