Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • explicity list every file/directory in transfer_input_files (it doens't grok regexps).  This would be a large list .  E.g.
    • transfer_input_files = "working/VIP_iter0.gridwt, working/VIP_iter0.pb.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt2, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt2, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt2"
  • Can transfer_input_fies take a manifest?  E.g a file containing the list of files to transfer
  • Make a temporary director on the submit host, and transfer that (possibly tarring it up)
  • Set the inputs and outputs for both data and working as a variables in the unified DAG file.  The script uses rsync to merge the various data_inputs together into one data directory and the various working_inputs together into one working directory.  Then at the end, moves data to data-<dagstep> and working to working-<dagstep> and the appropriate dirs/files from these are transferred back to the submithost.  The result of all this is that the data needed as an input for a step (E.g. Task08) may need to be combined from multiple places (initial data and data output from Task07)

To Do

  • DONE: write .log, .out and .png files one level up so they are not in the working directory and therefore not copied to execute hosts.
  • DONE: add rm -f *.last to the sh script?
  • Figure out how to not copy SYSPOWER in the MS.  Presumably we can just cp /dev/null SYSPOWER/table.f0 and cp /dev/null SYSPOWER/table.f0i
  • DONE: Task24 and Task25 swapped with 8cores so they need to run with fewer cores.  So I may need to make another variable to pass to the sh script for this.
  • Task19 needs to be unwraveled from NRAO filesystems.
  • I don't like using the name Task as that has meaning to CASA.  A better term might be Step as in DAG Step.
  • Look into running Task22 at the same time as another Task.  If it is possible, perhaps this can be done for some other tasks as well.  Note, I specificly avoided using the work parallel here so as not to confuse this idea with using mpicasa.
  • Figure out how to not copy SYSPOWER in the MS.  Presumably we can just cp /dev/null SYSPOWER/table.f0 and cp /dev/null SYSPOWER/table.f0i


Doesn't alter the MS
