Does run_tclean need just the .psf directories or does it need more than that? Tclean will need all image types (suffixes) for the named image. For instance Task01 makes a set of 'iter0' images, task04 makes an 'iter1' set of images. Task 5 references both. It would be acceptable to pass images of iter0* and iter1* but in practice it only needs the PSF from both so something like iter0*.psf and iter1*.psf should work.
How do we transfer input files for each DAG?
- explicity list every file/directory in transfer_input_files (it doens't grok regexps). This would be a large list . E.g.
- transfer_input_files = "working/VIP_iter0.gridwt, working/VIP_iter0.pb.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.psf.tt2, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.sumwt.tt2, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt0, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt1, working/VIP_iter0.weight.tt2"
- Can transfer_input_fies take a manifest? E.g a file containing the list of files to transfer
- Make a temporary director on the submit host, and transfer that (possibly tarring it up)
Doesn't alter the MS