Every DAG or task creates .log, .out and maybe .png files that we want to keep. Also, .last files like tclean.last are often created. These are not necessary but can be usefull for debugging things. I assume that almost all tasks require the Measurement Set (MS). I question what tasks actually modify the MS. run_tclean() defaults to using the corrected datacolumn. Does that mean it is changing this column? The reference to datacolumn is stating which column it should read from, it does not imply any change to the MS.
This document it not complete. I am sure I am missing inputs and perhaps outputs as well.
Does run_tclean need just the .psf directories or does it need more than that? Tclean will need all image types (suffixes) for the named image. For instance Task01 makes a set of 'iter0' images, task04 makes an 'iter1' set of images. Task 5 references both. It would be acceptable to pass images of iter0* and iter1* but in practice it only needs the PSF from both so something like iter0*.psf and iter1*.psf should work.
Doesn't alter the MS
- input: VIP_iter0.psf.*, VIP_iter1.psf.*
- output: VIP_iter1.psf.*
Doesn't alter the MS
run_tclean( 'iter1', robust=-2.0, uvtaper="3arcsec", niter=20000, nsigma=5.0, mask="QLcatmask.mask", calcres=False, calcpsf=False )