- Test the behavior of Tier0 parallelization of calibrator imaging in the calibration pipelline (provides CASA6 based calibrates MSes as a side effect for imaging run)
- Demonstrate that the refactored code has the desired memory footprint effect. We'll start with the referenced data set and then expand to larger data sets.
- Demonstrate the runtime cost of the refactored code and whether it's a fixed overhead so it's contribution goes to zero for larger data sets or whether the overhead scales with image complexity
Results for the tests described in this page are shown in the results page:
Children Display |
Phase 1, calibrator imaging tests run vs hifacal.py (8 way parallelization unless stated otherwise) (runs located at /lustre/aoc/sciops/fmadsen/tests/tclean_cube_refactor/<casa version>/calibration/<project>/working)