The SRAO project launch (formerly SRDP) established a new structure for production and delivery of data products to the user community. The new structure came with changes to practices and processes in the areas of Project Management, Systems Engineering, architectural design and modeling, requirements management, communications and reporting, and perhaps changes in other areas. Recognizing the disruption this magnitude of attempted changes would incur, this Mid-Pilot Assessment was built into the plan to be deliberate about using what has been learned during the Pilot for improvements to the first full deployment in Wave 1.
Objectives of this Review/Introspective
- To conduct a project level review; informational only, no review gates involved
- To provide an opportunity for encourage everyone on the team to assess practices and processes to date
- To provide an opportunity for everyone on the team to contribute to lessons learned
- To review what went well and what did not
- To identify areas of opportunity for improvement
- To identify processes and practices that should either change or be discontinued
- To establish concrete steps to address each item reviewed
- To satisfy the Q1FY19 POP Milestone in the subsequent quarter Q1FY20
- The document above is on SharePoint with track changes enabled, version history enabled, ready to accept your comments and edits.
- Everyone on the team is invited and encouraged Reviewers are asked to make edits directly to the file document linked above, please forward this request to your team members and leads
- The edited document will be discussed and reviewed in a group by the project office and team leads (who are also invited to contribute with their lessons learned)
- Review Date (TBD, before Thanksgiving)