Issue Number | Description | References | Impact | Reported by | Date | Owner/Assigned in Jira | Status |
M1 | Apply PL changes to template | PIPE-389 | No CLI E2E testing until we do this, works with bespoke PPRs | John Tobin | 7/9 | SW/Jim Sheckard | 7/11 - Under validation, waiting on imaging CLI testing |
M2 | CLI functional, but changes needed to make it useful for users; need about half a day to do, once product system working | John Tobin | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | 7/11 - memory management issues? SSA-5175 - blockers resolved? | ||
M3 | Adding continuum image (switch) | Generating continuum by default, on/off switch not a blocker | John Tobin | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | ||
M4 | GUI Interface for Archive | Stephan will provide ticket number | Not implemented on test yet, will be addressed after product system integration | John Tobin | 7/9 | Stephan Witz/ Reid Givens | 7/30 - ? tix in "scheduled" |
M5 | Need time (day or two) to integrate, then will have status | SSA-5330 | Integration/delivery of the product system items is an all-hands effort on the part of the SSA team which blocks work on the other tickets. | Stephan | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | 20 tix, 2 completed/resolved, 0 validation, 7 verifying/ready, 11 scheduled |
M6 | SSA-5599, VLA implemented, ALMA in progress, 1) Script to notify Operations manager and DAs when imaging pipeline job is completed and ready for review: status - already exists 2) Script to rerun the imaging pipeline after edits to the PPR and/or extra flagging and/or changes to continuum subtraction: status - not yet done, but could be adapted from existing VLA recaldirs script. 3) Script to ingest image products into the archive and clean up the pipeline directory: status - not yet done (needs product system) | Scripts needed for ALMA, will address when product system items completed. | Mark Lacy | 7/9 | Stephan Witz | Are there critical tasks in this epic, or do they all need to be done? | |
M7 | Run jobs as almapipe in CV, as they run as vlapipe, need to check/configure ACLs | SSA-5689 | Operational efficiency, jobs should run the same way in both environments | Mark Lacy | 7/9 | Stephan Witz |
Key Dates (Tentative)
SRDP Project Office: John Tobin, Mark Lacy, Bob Treacy
DMS: Morgan Griffith, Mark Whitehead, Stephan Witz, Kana Sugimoto, Joe Masters
Review Open Issues from July 9