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    1. PIPE-389 - Template recipe: creation of 'mfs' and 'cont' images
      • Status: Ready to validate
    2. SSA-5113 - Epic ticket: Implement ALMA optimized imaging cube capability
      • Review Issues under Epic for Blockers and completion target dates
      • Status: Actions captured to table below
    3. SSA-5330 Epic Ticket: Science Products, Ancillary Products and Associations
      • Review Issues under Epic for completion target datesStill tagged for SRDP Pilot, No known blockers for Optimized Imaging
      • Status: Actions captured to table below
    4. (ML) Status of SSA-5599 Epic ticket - workaround scripts for Optimized Imaging workflow corresponding to requirements on Requirements for SSA work-around scripts for pilot, including SSA-5604, SSA-5632, SSA-5605.
    5. Identify Configuration changes (i.e. versions reflecting changes from these tickets)CASA 5.4.2-7; Archive TBD
    6. Any Other issues?
      1. Account permissions etc for DAs and AoD (ML) to run jobs as almapipe. (Status: Captured as M7 in the table below)
    7. Review and Assign Action Items Outcome: Several action items in the table below have dependencies on the Product System, on which work continues under SSA-5330.  Other items are delayed until developers can be reassigned following work on the Product System, which is expected to be to the point to inform a schedule for completion of the action items by July 11.  Significant changes to the request handler will result in additional test time.   Action items in the table below (Status: Actions captured to table below)
    8. Outcome:
      • Not ready for full testing yet, though some tests can be conducted.

      • Pipeline is ready, with a follow up SSA item to incorporate pipeline changes in the template (item M1).

      • SSA is in an all-hands effort to finish the integration work for the product system (SSA-5330), with an estimate of 1-2 days before this is complete.  At that point (July 11) attention can be turned to wrapping up other action items listed below.

      • Changes, particularly to the Request Handler, will require extensive retesting of items previously tested for Pilot.  John is confident that he knows what needs to be tested.

      • Action items in the table below are needed to close the Mid-Pilot TRR and will be reviewed again on July 16.

Issue NumberDescriptionReferencesImpactReported byDateOwner/Assigned in Jira
M1Apply PL changes to templatePIPE-389No CLI E2E testing until we do this, works with bespoke PPRsJohn Tobin7/9SW/Jim Sheckard

SSA-5175 - CLI




CLI functional, but changes needed to make it useful for users; need about half a day to do, once product system workingJohn Tobin7/9Stephan Witz
M3Adding continuum image (switch)


Generating continuum by default, on/off switch not a blockerJohn Tobin7/9Stephan Witz
M4GUI Interface for Archive

Stephan will provide ticket number



Not implemented on test yet, will be addressed after product system integrationJohn Tobin7/9Stephan Witz/ Reid Givens
M5Need time (day or two) to integrate, then will have statusSSA-5330Integration/delivery of the product system items is an all-hands effort on the part of the SSA team which blocks work on the other tickets. Stephan7/9Stephan Witz

SSA-5599, VLA implemented, ALMA in progress,

1) Script to notify Operations manager and DAs when imaging pipeline job is completed and ready for review: status - already exists

2) Script to rerun the imaging pipeline after edits to the PPR and/or extra flagging and/or changes to continuum subtraction: status - not yet done, but could be adapted from existing VLA recaldirs script.

3) Script to ingest image products into the archive and clean up the pipeline directory: status - not yet done (needs product system)


dependent on SSA-5330

Scripts needed for ALMA, will address when product system items completed.Mark Lacy7/9Stephan Witz
M7Run jobs as almapipe in CV, as they run as vlapipe, need to check/configure ACLs SSA-5689Operational efficiency, jobs should run the same way in both environmentsMark Lacy7/9Stephan Witz
