Issue Number | Description | References | Impact | Reported by | Date | Owner/Assigned in Jira |
M1 | Apply PL changes to template | PIPE-389 | No CLI E2E testing until we do this, works with bespoke PPRs | John Tobin | 7/9 | SW/Jim Sheckard |
M2 | SSA-5175 - CLI | SSA-5175 PIPE-89 SSA-5645 | CLI functional, but changes needed to make it useful for user; need about half a day to do, once product system working | John Tobin | 7/9 | Stephan Witz |
M3 | Adding continuum image (switch) | SSA-5532 | Generating continuum by default, on/off switch not a blocker | John | 7/9 | Stephan Witz |
GUI Interface for Archive | Stephan will provide ticket number SSA-5392 SSA-5173 | Not implemented on test | John | 7/9 | SW/Givens | |
Need time (day or two) to integrate, then will have status | SSA-5330 | Stephan | Stephan Witz | |||
SSA-5599, VLA implemented, ALMA in progress, | SSA-5330 dependence Mark will provide info | Mark L. | Stephan Witz | |||
Run jobs as almapipe in CV, as they run as vlapipe in | SW will create a ticket | Mark L. | Stephan Witz |