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Current Questions
Felipe's code
Felipe to share his job visualization software with Greg and maybe present at Throughput 2024.
Are we alone in needing to copy in and out many GBs per job? Do other institutions have this problem as well? Does CHTC have any suggestions to help? Sanja will ask this of Bockleman as well.
ANSWER: Greg thinks our transfer times are not uncommon but our processing time is shorter than many. Some other jobs have similar transfer times but process for many hours. Maybe we can constrain our jobs to only run on sites that seem to transfer quickly. Greg is also interested in why some sites seem slower than others. Is that acutally site specific or is it time specific or...
Felipe does have a long list of excluded sites in his run just for this reason. Greg would like a more declaritive solution like "please run on fast transfer hosts" especially if this is dynamic.
Curl_plugin doesn't do FTP